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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Alito Supreme

This week the Senate Judicial Committee is holding hearings concerning Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito. I've been listening pretty regularly. The man seems very well spoken, and I'm sure he's a decent guy.

But during his response to a question on the application of foreign law in regards to our own constitution, Alito talked about human rights, probably alluding to the torture issue or our treatment of enemy combatants. Now, I'm paraphrasing, but he said something to the effect of...

"The U.S. has led the world on human rights. When the Bill of Rights was written, there were really no other countries in the world who protected human rights the way we did."

True dat, Samuel Alito. True dat. The U.S. was like that older sibling who sets the younger siblings straight on the important things in life. Like freedom and democracy and liberty and more freedom. We were the global big brother.

Who owned slaves.

Yeah, those were humans we didn't really give proper rights to. But according to our constitution, they weren't actually considered whole people at the time. So, no harm done, bro-ham!

And the Native Americans, too.

But, heh, what are they going to do, give us back our old, disease-filled blankets? Nice try, Native Americans. We're not falling for it.


At 5:58 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Sad thing is that the guy is right. Not coz the US was exceptionally great but most other countries were worse. When your competition is pathetic you can win by being bad.

At 6:41 AM, Blogger Carrie said...

Or as many of our friends in the south would put it... we did them a favor because look at how much better they have it now?

Seriously, you're the shit.

At 9:26 AM, Blogger Andy said...

It was still light-years ahead of anyone else at the time...and even if you compared our laws from 1776 to current laws in countries such as China, North Korea, Vietnam, and countless others dabbled throughout Eastern Europe and South America, they're STILL better.

At 9:47 AM, Blogger Subcomandante Bob said...

More on the Alito hearings at National Nitwit, America's number one source for disinformation.

At 1:41 PM, Blogger SnowQueen said...

LOL that is so true and sad at the same time its so...american.

At 5:30 PM, Blogger 52X Max said...

yeah, but the real sad thing is that the first country who applied human rights to all humans was France.

Gimme a break, France?

At 4:25 AM, Blogger TheMann00 said...

My favorite part has to be the "charts" they are showing off during QUESTIONING periods. I'm listening in my car on NPR, so I can't actually see the charts... but give me a break. Why is it, with transcripts, technology, and plenty of interns, you can only go back to 3 the previous day or whatever to show off that Alito has answered 98% of the questions. Is it because prior to 3, the numbers weren't cooperating as much? Disclaimer: This, is based on absolutely no research whatsoever.

At 9:40 AM, Blogger Luke said...

He's a crony, what can we expect?

At 10:29 AM, Blogger Miss Devylish said...

And I love how he answers these things like this is how we were then.. but I'm still curious how that answers the question now.. helloo.. it doesn't matter what he says.. he's still a backer of the poorest administration in history.

You funny.. ;)

At 2:22 PM, Blogger David Julian said...

Oh you forgot women...

...and the Irish.

And now Mexicans and Arabs?

Maybe not through the eyes of the law, but at least de facto


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